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Quality and Technical Innovation are the core soul we change the world!

Approved by more than 108 Countries Customers

We and our crane products have served more than 108 countries customrers untill 2016 year. Only spent 3 years, we have spread our crane business around the world. It's not the end, it's just the start!7CzTypes Overhead Cranes, 1-500 tons Overhead Bridge Crane Manufacturer & Supplier | Dongqi Group

Crane Projects around the world7CzTypes Overhead Cranes, 1-500 tons Overhead Bridge Crane Manufacturer & Supplier | Dongqi Group

High Quarlity Crane Products and Technical Innovation are the core soul we win and change the world! Our products and service have covered USA, Mexico, Argentina, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, Netherlands, Australia, New Zeland, Spain, UAE, Egypt and other 93 countries.7CzTypes Overhead Cranes, 1-500 tons Overhead Bridge Crane Manufacturer & Supplier | Dongqi Group

Approved by European Conformity

Overhead Crane Products

No. 0P161109.HYCQT647CzTypes Overhead Cranes, 1-500 tons Overhead Bridge Crane Manufacturer & Supplier | Dongqi Group

Overhead Crane CE Certification7CzTypes Overhead Cranes, 1-500 tons Overhead Bridge Crane Manufacturer & Supplier | Dongqi Group

Gantry Crane Products

No. 0P161109.HYCQT617CzTypes Overhead Cranes, 1-500 tons Overhead Bridge Crane Manufacturer & Supplier | Dongqi Group

Gantry Crane CE Certification7CzTypes Overhead Cranes, 1-500 tons Overhead Bridge Crane Manufacturer & Supplier | Dongqi Group

Jib Crane Products

No. 0P161109.HYCQT637CzTypes Overhead Cranes, 1-500 tons Overhead Bridge Crane Manufacturer & Supplier | Dongqi Group

Jib Crane CE Certification7CzTypes Overhead Cranes, 1-500 tons Overhead Bridge Crane Manufacturer & Supplier | Dongqi Group

Hoist Crane Products

No. 0P161109.HYCQT627CzTypes Overhead Cranes, 1-500 tons Overhead Bridge Crane Manufacturer & Supplier | Dongqi Group

Hoist / Winch CE Certification7CzTypes Overhead Cranes, 1-500 tons Overhead Bridge Crane Manufacturer & Supplier | Dongqi Group